kwindla hultman kramer


I am one of the founders of Daily and I serve as the company's CEO. We develop infrastructure and SDKs for video and audio. If you are are creating a product or an app that has video or audio features, we can probably help. The Internet is increasingly a video-first medium, and we think of ourselves as building the infrastructure for the future of our collective digital experience.

I have been interested in large-scale networked systems and real-time video since I was a graduate student with Mitchel Resnick at the MIT Media Lab.

Before Daily, I helped to found Oblong Industries. We built an operating system for spatial, multi-user, multi-screen, multi-device computing. Our must successful product was a collaborative big-data environment.

Before Oblong I helped to build out the technology for AllAfrica. For six years, I worked mostly from the Washington DC office with a wonderful group of journalists and engineers. I also did a lot of traveling to advocate that everyone doing large-scale web development -- but particulary public- and civil-sector organizations -- use mainly Free and Open Source Software. This is no longer controversial. But in the early 2000s it was. Convincing people to spend money on education and training instead of Microsoft Windows licenses was an uphill fight.

During two election cycles in the United States I managed technology projects for political organizations. In 2001 and 2002, we constructed a new infra (inter-, intra-) structure for the Democratic National Committee. In 2004, we built a media-monitoring operation from the ground up for Media Matters for America.

Once upon a time I did lots of hardware development, mostly small (and experimental) networked devices like this bouncy ball with a computer embedded in it, and these computational tiles that communicate by ir and host a tiny java virtual machine. (Well, not really a java virtual machine, but a byte-code interpreter that could run much-munged class files.) And here are some mobile-code simulations that Nelson Minar and I did together.

If you're following very old links from around the web (or the blogosphere), you may also be looking for the mod_proxy header-manipulation patches I wrote long ago, or my same-day summary of the Eldred v Ashcroft supreme court oral argument.